Global Business Network .com
Global Business Network .com

Business Opportunity / Portfolio Details


Ref: Y0035

Location: IRAN

Sector: Recyling

Opportunity Type: Business Idea / Project Development & Finding Investor for Projects

We are looking for companies that can cooperate with a provincial governor in Iran and with the state (and with the Revolutionary Guards) a partner with strong lobbying and business ties to do the following activities.
What are we looking for?
We are looking for companies in Iran that are "capable of water treatment from the sea and capable of treating dirty / waste water". The projects will start from the Persian Gulf Region and cover all of Iran. The projects will include large cities as well as small settlements.

The commercial and bureaucratic process related to the projects will be carried out as follows.

Project payments in Turkey, the Central Bank will be held by Ziraat Bank and Halk banks. Some projects can also be worked on as an advance or as oil barrels. The options will be discussed at the table. Projects and works are "no contracts and state guarantees".

According to this ; Companies to be involved will prepare a letter of intent for the valuation we will declare later. After this phase, the company that has the letter of intent will be invited to Iran and discuss the details of the projects. In case of agreement, the preliminary contract will be signed, the company will be registered in Iran and the process will be started ...

If your network has "companies capable of water treatment from the sea and capable of treating dirty / waste water", please contact us according to the above mentioned business process.
LOI company will provide a confidentiality and commission agreement before the visit to Iran.


Portfolio Interest and Information Form
Please use this form if you would like to get back to us about our portfolio in our platform and learn more about the opportunity.

Interest Statement:
Refers to your interest in this business opportunity according to the information, data and conditions provided with our portfolio. In a way, it means your feedback in the form of “letter of intent; or statement indicating that you are seriously interested in our portfolio.

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Refers to additional information requests and / or questions other than information data presented in our portfolio.

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